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PCI Payments

Our robust PCI-compliant payment solution empowers users to securely process payments over the phone, obtaining authorisation during the call. It offers real-time payment tracking, comprehensive transaction history, secure call recordings, and a variety of customisable on-demand reports.

(Image provided by Freepik)

Payment Gateway

Customers can securely confirm payment amounts and input card details via IVR, with suppressed DTMF tones. The gateway promptly confirms transaction success or failure and issues an authorisation code.

Payment Widgets

Real-time tracking displays payment progress, including completed and unsuccessful transactions.

Real-Time KPIs

Monitor a spectrum of KPIs for outbound calls, such as total calls, answered calls, missed calls, average call duration, and SLAs, all categorised by individual agent.

Transaction History

Completed transactions are securely stored in an audit trail, providing insights into calls, agents, and customer details, including authorisation codes.

Call Recordings

Secure call recordings, with suppressed DTMF tones, are accessible within the platform. Recordings are downloadable in mp3 format.

On-Demand Reports

Select from a range of call and agent performance reports, including detailed transaction reports. Reports are available online, as PDFs or CSVs, and can be scheduled for delivery.

Want To Improve Your Customer’s Call Experience? Contact Us Today.